Assignment #5

This lyrebird is amazing! Who knew such a species could do that?! I was astonished and sat with my mouth gaping open when I heard some of the sounds the bird could perfectly mock. It makes me wonder how or why it even does that. The bird kind of creeps me out, but I was greatly impressed with it. I would love to witness it in person!

Civilization has had a big impact on the natural world and this bird specifically. This impact is shown through the bird mimicking not only other birds’ calls now, but a car alarm and chainsaw. It was as if the bird was letting us hear what is happening to his world. This is sad! 😦

The Amazing Races…

My first attempt at “sorting people” did not go as expected. I only got six correct! Granted, it would not let me change any of my decisions. I’m sure I would have gotten more correct if it would have allowed me. It’s really true that you cannot judge a book by its cover! At first glance, many of these people do not appear to be their true race. I used what qualities I have often seen show in each race to profile these people. However, that obviously doesn’t work! Even people I thought were “obviously white” or “obviously Asian” were not. It is important to realize that people aren’t always what they seem. This could be true with personalities even, and is kind of symbolically true for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in the world.

A Farewell to Arms Review

A Farewell to Arms is, in my eyes, a true love story. Of course, I am a girl, and I find a love story in everything…

The novel begins speaking of Mr. Henry and his adventures during the first World War. This section of the book was rather boring, but if war and foreign countries interest you, this might be your favorite part.

My favorite part of the novel was when Miss Catherine Barkley became involved. Miss Barkley is Mr. Henry’s love interest, and she is such a major part of the story. Their relationship is a rollercoaster of emotions, but most of the good ones are and it makes for a more interesting book than it would be without this particular part.

I do not really enjoy the way Ernest Hemingway writes. Truthfully, he is very boring and tends to just write in plain and simple short sentences. Therefore, I would not wish to read any of his other novels such as Men Without Women or The Old Man and the Sea. However, I would recommend A Farewell to Arms to a reader looking for a love story with a unique ending or someone who enjoys Hemigway’s style.

My First Thoughts…

I have never used a blog for a class assignment or for any reason really. However, I think this will take the “same old, same old” out of summer reading and make it more enjoyable! Of course I dread doing the work because it’s summer and I would rather just be lazy, but I’m glad this is the way we are doing the assignment. I look forward to reading everyone’s posts!